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  秉承传统茶饼制作工艺,集自动称重、自动蒸汽、自动压饼为一体,并在前几代基础原理上利用自主研发的创 新技术,采用更先进更美观的立式结构,解决了一台机器能压制多种茶饼形状的需求,同时提高设备稳性,使模具适应性更强更广,更换简单便捷。主要应用于各类茶叶、花草茶、保健茶及部分食品如海带、木耳等压饼。

  Adhering to the traditional tea cake making process, it integrates automatic weighing, automatic steam, and automatic cake pressing. Based on the basic principles of previous generations, it utilizes independently developed innovative technology and adopts a more advanced and beautiful verticalstructure, solving the need for a single machine to press multiple tea cake shapes. At the same time, it improves equipment stability, making the mold more adaptable and convenient to replace. Mainly used in various types of tea, herbal tea, health tea, and some foods such as kelp and fungus pressed cakes.

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